Official easa website:
This is the easa-weblog, a public forum for everything related to easa (the european architecture students assembly).
1191 members
8258 days online
last edit 5/8/13, 11:12 PM
You might want to check the new website-proposal: http://easa.x42.at
...thanx to pure luck we are back in contact with Albania! We have a new NC (one, but a great start), his name is Klejdi Eski (we had a great chat online=) He is in 2nd year at the Faculty of Architecture in Tirana.
So thats that for now!
cheers to all!!
full story...
We are two architecture students from Latvia and we are coming to Portugal (Lisbon) to work in architects office for 3 months (1 march - 1 june). We are particapating in Leonardo da Vinci programme & our problem is accomodation! Could you please ask somebody or help us find where to stay there for minimum expenses?! We are really desperate....
Hope to hear from you soon,
Evija & Unda
my e-mail - evijalii@inbox.lv
full story...
hi there,
it took some time, but when i received the updated list mid-december i was already heading east to thailand/laos.
but eventually you got the up-to-date nc-list online.
btw: how's it going with the archive, website thing?
full story...
Lads, what's the story with Iceland? Does anyone have any Icelandic contacts, especially with the architecture schools? It'd be great if we could have an Icelandic link reopened and a couple of Icelanders strolling around Letterfrack this summer.
Emmet Spiceland
full story...
questions about this site: mail marko
or johannes
Organisation 2011: Spain
official easa 2011 website
National Contacts
Klejdi Eski
school: Polytechnic University of Tirana email: klejdieski@gmail.com
Marian Ayvazyan
school: email: ayvazyanm@yahoo.com
Tatevik Hakobyan
school: email: tatevhakobian@rambler.ru
Kerstin Pluch
school: Vienna University of Technology email: kerstin@easa.at
Patrick Jaritz
school: Vienna University of Technology email: patrick@easa.at website: www.easa.at
Leyla Ibrahimova
school: email: leyla.ibrahimova@gmail.com
Lala Abdullayeva
school: email: lala.adb@gmail.com
Anastasiya Andrukovik
school: BNTU (Belarusian National Technical University) email: A3solitude@yandex.ru
Iryna Balunenka
school: BNTU (Belarusian National Technical University) email: no.need.in@gmail.com
Thomas Roelandts
school: University of ghent, Civil Engineer architect email: roelandts.thomas@gmail.com
Thomas Cattrysse
school: University of ghent, Civil Engineer architect email: thomas.cattrysse@ugent.be
Natasa Jukic
school: Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering / Banja Luka email: natasajukic@hotmail.com
Ivana Rajkovaca
school: Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering / Banja Luka email: ivana256@yahoo.com
Natasa Radakovic
school: Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering / Banja Luka email: radakovicnatasa@gmail.com
Dobrin Petkov
school: UACEG - University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Sofia email: absinatri@yahoo.com
Nikolay Mitov
school: UACEG - University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Sofia email: nikoto@abv.bg
Hana Grebenar
school: University of Zagreb, School of Architecture email: hanagrebe@hotmail.com
Aleksandra Poljanec
school: University of Zagreb, School of Architecture email: poljanec.aleksandra@gmail.com
Abdullah Denizhan
school: email: deniz_apo@hotmail.com
Elina (Eleni) Spanoude
school: email: elinaspanoude@yahoo.co.uk
Czech Republic
Eliška Slámová
school: CZECH TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY IN PRAGUE (CVUT) /Faculty of Architecture email: sanbanana@seznam.cz
David Kovařík
school: VSUP Praha/ AAAD Prague email: hallninet@seznam.cz
Katja Nicoline Meyer
school: The Royal Danish Academy of fine arts School of architecture email: katjameyer2505@hotmail.com
Liv Grete Framgard
school: Aarhus School of Architecture email: etergvil@yahoo.co.uk
Mari-Liis Vunder
school: Estonian Academy of Art email: mariliis.vunder@gmail.com
Mari Rass
school: Eesti Kunstiakadeemia (Estonian Academy of Arts) email: marirass@gmail.com
Ville Mellin
school: HUT email: ville.mellin@tkk.fi
Pekka Ijas
school: Helsinki email: pekka.ijas@tkk.fi
Hugo Pointillard
school: School of architecture of Paris, La villete email: hugolelutin@msn.com
Elsa Deconchat
school: School of architecture of Paris, La villete email: elsadec@gmail.com
Nutsa Kandelaki
school: Tsibili Academy of Arts email: nutsakandelaki@yahoo.com
Anuka Tavartkiladze
school: Tsibili Academy of Arts email: anukadavaika@yahoo.com
Sven Lechner
school: Georg Simon Ohm Hochschule email: sv.lechner@gmail.com
Jakob Ulbrych
school: email: jakob.ulbrych@yahoo.de
Chrisa Golemi
school: National Technical University of Athens, NTUA email: chrisa_golemi@yahoo.com
Dimitra Vogiatzaki
school: National Technical University of Athens, NTUA email: dvogiatzaki@yahoo.com
Zsofia Vancsura
school: email: zsofijaa@gmail.com
Erdenejargal Rinzaan
school: email: rinzaanjargal@gmail.com
Berglind Sigurdardottir
school: Listahaskoli Islands email: berglind08@lhi.is
Ruth Hynes
school: Dublin Institute of Technology email: ruthhynes@gmail.com
Ger Brennan
school: W.I.T. (Waterford Institute of Technology) email: ger_brennan@yahoo.ie
Lucia Brandoli
school: Universita di Ferrara email: lucia.brandoli@gmail.com
Giulia Nardi
school: Politecnico di Torino, Facoltà di Architettura II email: nardi.giulia@gmail.com
Alexander Bitterman
school: email: bitterm1@hotmail.com
Zana Llonçari
school: Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Prishtina email: zana.llonchari@hotmail.com
Rrita Pula
school: Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Prishtina email: pula.rrita@gmail.com
Ansis Šinke
school: email: omnib@inbox.lv
Natalja Dozdeva
school: Riga Technical University email: asha_riga@inbox.lv
Franziska Keoppel
school: Hochschule Liechenstein, Vaduz email: f.koeppel@gmx.ch
Thomas Jochum
school: email: thomas.jochum@hochschule.li
Chiara Friedl
school: email: chiara.friedl@gmx.at
Karolina Ciplyte
school: Vilniaus Gedimino Technikos University email: karolina_ciplyte@yahoo.com
Gabrielius Varnelis
school: Vilniaus Gedimino Technikos University email: gabrieliusv@gmail.com
Darko Krstevski
school: Universitiy “SS. Cyril and Methodius” // Faculty of Architecture email: thedarkoorko@gmail.com
Filip Josifovski
school: Universitiy “SS. Cyril and Methodius” // Faculty of Architecture email: fjosifovski@gmail.com
Elaine Bonavia
school: email: ebonavia@gmail.com
Larisa Sisoeva
school: email: sysoevalarisa@gmail.com
Ana Mrvaljević
school: email: maj17@cg.yu
Nikola Jelenic
school: email: nikolajelenic@gmail.com
Tomas Dirrix
school: Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture email: tomasdirrix@gmail.com
Stef Bogaerds
school: Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture email: stefbogaerds@gmail.com
Hilde Vinge Fanavoll
school: Norwegian University of Science and Technology NTNU email: hildevin@stud.ntnu.no
Martin Konieczny
school: Norwegian University of Science and Technology NTNU email: martinkonieczny88@gmail.com
Hanna Kozlowska
school: Silesian University of Technology/ faculty of Architecture email: hanoota@wp.pl
Karol Pasternak
school: Technical University in Warsaw/ faculty of Architecture email: karoluspasternakus@gmail.com
Marina Gonçalves
school: Faculty of Architecture University of Porto email: marinaamg@gmail.com
Joana Torres
school: Faculty of Architecture University of Porto email: js.vtorres@gmail.com
Ioana Andreea Iordan
school: Polytechnical University Timisoara,Faculty of Architecture email: ioana.iordan@yahoo.com
Marina Ilyushina
school: Moscow Architectural Institute email: marina.ilyushina@gmail.com
Natalia Fedorova
school: Moscow Architectural Institute email: fyodorovanatalya@gmail.com
Andrej Zikic
school: Belgrade University, Faculty of Architecture email: kiriqz@yahoo.com
Predrag Milic
school: Belgrade University, Faculty of Architecture email: perfex@sezampro.rs
Michal Sladek
school: Academy of fine arts and design, Bratislava email: michalsladek@stonline.sk
Adam Berka
school: Academy of fine arts and design, Bratislava email: adam.berka@gmail.com
Larisa Kazic
school: Faculty of architecture; university of Ljubljana email: larisa.kazic@gmail.com
Sara Badovinac
school: Faculty of architecture; university of Ljubljana email: sara.badovinac@gmail.com
Aljoša Merljak
school: Faculty of architecture; university of Ljubljana email: aljosa.merljak@gmail.com
Francisco J. Rodriguez Perez
school: Politecnico di Milano email: rodriguez.p.francisco@gmail.com
Mar Vicens
school: Polytechnic University of Valencia email: mar_vicens@hotmail.com
Kajsa Börjesson
school: Lund university, Department of Architecture email: kajsaborjesson@hotmail.com
Kristin Karlsson
school: Royal institute of technology, Stockholm email: kristinkarlssonsjored@hotmail.com
Yvonne Michel
school: ETH Zürich email: ymi@gmx.ch
Jeanne Wery
school: email: jeannewb@hotmail.com
Luis Hilti
school: ETH Zürich email: luishilti@me.com
Derya Aguday
school: Istanbul Technical University email: deryaaguday@yahoo.com
Yelta Kom
school: Thessaloniki School of Architecture email: yeltakom@gmail.com
Daria Spasova
school: email: dashika87@mail.ru
Vitaliy Avdeyev
school: Kharkiv State Technical University of Civil engineering and architecture email: vitakik@hotmail.com
Ostapchuk Iurii
school: Kharkiv State Technical University of Civil engineering and architecture email: Ostapchuck@yahoo.com
United Kingdom
Jenny Burns
school: Manchester School of Architecture email: uk.nc.jenny@googlemail.com
Sam Patterson
school: Glasgow School of Art email: uk.nc.sam@googlemail.com
Mauricio Salmerón
school: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Nicaragua email: easa.clea@gmail.com
Intercontinental students
Bhavika Mistry
school: Manchester School of Architecture (Manchester Metropolitan Univesity & University of Manchester) email: bmi@easauk.net
Lizzie Daly
school: Manchester School of Architecture (Manchester Metropolitan Univesity & University of Manchester) email: liz7_daly@hotmail.com
students of lost countries: contact us!
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congratulations, we have a newborn! ...country
guess i have to add one more to the contacts-list ;-)
well, we all know you have been here around quite a long time, but now you're official
welcome montenegro
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I've just seen the portrait of zeynep, who has been just logged, like another silent reader;-).
can somebody give me news of her coz I lost her e-mail :-(?
did she already begin her Erasmus in France?...
full story...
Contacts in Buenos Aires.
Hope you all are having a Wonderful time in Switzerland!
-this is a short request seeking any information about contacts,places to go and offices to visit in Buenos aires (Argentine)
since i’m going there by the end of the year
(and hopefuly stay for 8-10 months)
Thanks alot for your time and any information you might be able to share.
Mikkel Schiller /co-organiser of EASA 2003 –Denmark
full story...
last 25 postings:
hello people,
I am not sure if this is still the place to be for leaving messages and stuff or that...
by jelkkruk @ 11/2/12, 7:07 PM
Zurich, 16 February 2012. trans is a semi-annual professional journal of the Department of Architecture at the Swiss Federal Institute...
by ymi @ 3/4/12, 11:05 PM
I'm looking for Ben from Slovenia who's participated in easas around 2005-2007.
Also if you know any other cool Slovenian architects?
by skunkie @ 1/20/12, 4:25 PM
hello everyone. here the news from cadiz:
tumblr. : easanewspaper.tumblr.com
twitter: twitter.com
or FB-Fanpage: www.facebook.com
issue 1-13
by ymi @ 8/19/11, 9:21 AM
Hello Everyone
I havn't appeared here ages:)
3 beautiful Georgian girls need a shelter from 20th till 23rd july till easa any...
by ana_geo @ 7/2/11, 1:09 PM
UMBRELLAworkshop is calling for submissions for our Newspaper, In Cadiz@EASA Spain 2011!
Be.creativ . Be.Coast . De.Coast .
--->on 01JUL11...
by ymi @ 6/22/11, 2:00 PM
Hi, folks!
My name's Gosha Zaborski - some elders could remember me, I hope:)
I was EASA participant and, than, tutor in...
by goshaz @ 6/13/11, 9:08 AM
Somone told me on friday: "ah, i know easa, but i will never ever EVER go there! it's only people...
by monicator @ 5/15/11, 11:21 AM
An international student solar design Competition has been announced by Dow Chemical for the fall of 2011. It's unique in...
by Peter Anders @ 4/28/11, 4:33 PM
questions about this site: mail marko
or johannes
Organisation 2011: Spain
official easa 2011 website
National Contacts
AlbaniaKlejdi Eskischool: Polytechnic University of Tiranaemail: klejdieski@gmail.com----------------------------------------------
ArmeniaMarian Ayvazyanschool:...
by paradeiser @ 3/19/11, 5:15 PM
Dear easians,
We have recently announced the selected workshops for easa011 on www.easa011.es. Congratulations to all selected tutors!
See you in 147...
by franjrp @ 2/25/11, 11:24 PM
March 2025 |
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