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This is the easa-weblog, a public forum for everything related to easa (the european architecture students assembly).
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8209 days online
last edit 5/8/13, 11:12 PM
You might want to check the new website-proposal: http://easa.x42.at
Hi everybody!
With great sorrow I inform you that today, 3 days before the application's deadline, I have no applications or intentions of participation from any of the people I've been keeping contact with for that purpose.
For those who are not familiar with the situation, Portugal doesn't have a strong participation in EASA since a couple of years, neither has a good NC organization/structure... I try my best to cover the spot, but considering that I live out of Portugal since 2 years ago (which means loosing personal contacts with new people) and that all I can do is write enthusiastic e-mails to those who contact me, to my friends whom can forward it through their networks, or to student associations who never reply, I can assume that my best will never be good enough for this cause. We need not only participants but a new NC.
So now I found two options to deal with it for the next EASA 2008:
Nr.1: Glorious Option - I seriously need the help of everybody in this! I need all of you to get your Portuguese friends (there must be loads of Portuguese people doing the Erasmus program around the whole Europe) and convince them to take this brilliant opportunity for experiencing EASA... you have only 3 days left to do it, and those who can find me a Portuguese participant will have a surprise reward!!!! There are 4 places left to fill and complete our quota (we have 5 places in total). So 3 days for filling 4 places with 4 portuguese!!!!
Nr.2: Again Lost Country Option - I'll drop the NC duty even without any replacement and I'll ask permission to the Irish organizers to participate somehow, but not representing any country.
My e-mail address is in the NC's list, but just in case you don't want to bother, here it is again rit_mar@hotmail.com.
Let me hear from you. Really hope someone wins the quest!
Love to all,
full story...
I have notified tutors of all accepted and declined workshops, if anyone has not received an email about their workshop proposal contact us asap for verification.
Accepted tutors (51 in total) will send their application forms directly to EASA Ireland (quotas are for participants only)
NC's should also be aware that tutors of declined workshops may want to attend as participants and should give them time to send their application forms.
I will confirm the successful workshops on the blog tomorrow afternoon, and there will be information posted on the website in due course.
full story...
Hi Everybody
In Motovun, we agreed to significantly raise the overall participation fee with the understanding that the tutor fees would be halved.
The motivation for this was that there would be greater competition for tutor places and a higher standard of workshops. This seems to have worked quite well.
We have received more than 50 proposals, and will have to choose approximately 20 workshops.
We would like to thank everyone for their hard work - there are a lot of great ideas and great variety of approaches - we have a very difficult task choosing the best proposals. The majority of proposals are extremely well-developed with well-researched lists of tools, references, graphics, costs and timetables.
It must be said that some people will be disappointed, we promise that we will make sure each proposal will get a fair hearing.
An example of our difficult task is that there are several excellent and ambitious ideas that we unfortunately would not be able to develop - this is disappointing for us.
We had discussions yesterday evening for 4 hours and only got through 15 or so proposals! It will take us a lot of work to narrow our list down to a long-list and finally a short-list.
We will have some sort of decision made in 1 week and will inform potential tutors then. We most likely will have requests for further information for a number of workshops.
Once again, we would like to thank everybody for their fantastic work.
full story...
Dear NC's,
Please send all participant application forms to participation(at)easa008.ie
full story...
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The 28th European Architecture Students Assembly will be formally opened in the historic St. Patrick's Hall, Dublin Castle on Sunday evening 10th August 2008. Photo: Dublin Castle |
Press Launch | Competition | Participation | Call for Tutors
400 Design students | 50 Nationalities Represented | 15 days |
Royal Institute of Architects Ireland (RIAI) President Sean O'Laoire and Deputy Ruairi Quinn, Labour Party Spokesperson on Education and Science and Qualified Architect, will officially launch the European Architecture Students Assembly Ireland 2008 in the council chambers of the RIAI, No. 8 Merrion Square, at 1:15pm on Monday 10th March. |
EASA (European Architecture Students Assembly) is an annual student-led assembly of 400 of Europes most exciting architecture students and young creative professionals which takes place over a two week period every August. This year is the first time that this celebrated and unique multicultural event will be held in Ireland. |
The 28th annual assembly will take place in Ireland from 9th to 24th of August 2008. The assembly will be bi-located between Dublin and Letterfrack, County Galway. The theme for EASA Ireland 2008, Adaptation, is an intrinsic part of the Assembly which will unite and focus the explorations, thoughts and work of the participants under one common topic. |
One of the flagship workshops of the Assembly is an International Design and Build competition, Green Room. The brief for the competition asks entrants to invent a new learning space where children can learn about sustainable and environmentally friendly living. |
International Design & Build Competition | Green Room |
European Architecture Students to address quality of learning space and sustainability in Irish Schools.
The organising committee of easa|Ireland|2008 have outlined a hands on experimental workshop that will result from an International design competition.The brief for this competition is to design a transportable pavilion that will function as a learning tool for school children. The aim of this brief is to create a space that embodies a lesson, and successfully explains and de-mystifies ecological and sustainable, architecture and principles. |
This competition was launched on the 15th of January 2008 and the deadline for submissions is 1st April 2008. Entry to the competition is unrestricted. A full brief and full details are available online here > |
The winning entry will be drafted for construction by an architectural office, and the winning design will be built on-site in Letterfrack during the 2008 summer assembly as a high quality built workshop. |
The winning entrant will receive free entry to EASA 2008 and full accreditation in all publications regarding the competition or the pavilion. In addition, the finished pavilion will travel to University College Dublin and be exhibited at the PLEA International conference on Passive and Low energy architecture (October 22-24th). |
Participant Numbers Announced |
There will be 300 places allocated out to the 48 countries currently active in the EASA network. Iceland and Estonia are designated lost and as such, no places will be allocated out to those countries. However, if a National Contact is found for the countries between now and the application deadline on Friday, 4th April, priority will be put on this countries in the re-distribution of places on Friday 18th of April. We would encouarge National Contacts to use the Green Room Competition as part of their selection process for participants and would expect at least one entry per country as a gesture of solidarity towards the organisers. |
Here is the quota allocation for easa|ireland|2008 |
FEE (euros) |
5 |
20% |
60 |
5 |
20% |
60 |
6 |
100% |
290 |
5 |
20% |
60 |
6 |
20% |
60 |
7 |
100% |
290 |
6 |
20% |
60 |
7 |
40% |
120 |
5 |
100% |
290 |
8 |
60% |
180 |
8 |
80% |
240 |
6 |
60% |
180 |
7 |
100% |
290 |
0 |
60% |
180 |
F.Y.R.O.M. |
7 |
20% |
60 |
6 |
100% |
290 |
8 |
100% |
290 |
6 |
20% |
60 |
7 |
100% |
290 |
11 |
80% |
240 |
7 |
60% |
180 |
0 |
100% |
290 |
11 |
100% |
290 |
11 |
100% |
290 |
5 |
20% |
60 |
6 |
60% |
180 |
5 |
100% |
290 |
6 |
60% |
180 |
5 |
80% |
240 |
5 |
20% |
60 |
5 |
40% |
120 |
7 |
100% |
290 |
6 |
100% |
290 |
6 |
60% |
180 |
5 |
80% |
240 |
6 |
40% |
120 |
7 |
20% |
60 |
6 |
40% |
120 |
5 |
60% |
180 |
6 |
60% |
180 |
8 |
100% |
290 |
6 |
100% |
290 |
7 |
100% |
290 |
7 |
40% |
120 |
7 |
20% |
60 |
7 |
100% |
290 |
The quota system was calculated using the quota excel system agreed at the INCM in Motovun last year. |
Application forms are available to download here > |
EASA Ireland are calling the architecture students of Europe to action. |
Workshops will take place in Letterfrack Furniture College as the focus of the EASA Ireland summer Assembly during August next. Small, medium and large tutorpacks for running a workshop are available at here. Workshop submissions must be made by Sunday March 23rd. |
EASA has an esteemed lineage of previous organisers, tutors and participants. Winy Maas, Wiel Arets, Kees Christianse and EM2N architects are amongst the notable attendees, while the inaugural event in 1981 was organised by Richard Murphy. We want to continue to provide this platform for exciting young architects and would appeal to those interested to visit our website. www.easa008.ie |
EASA Ireland would like to thank our sponsors and all those helping to realise the EASA008 Summer Assembly;