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OXFORD SOCIAL WANDER, process, program, community

Everyone is welcome to join on this OXFORD SOCIAL WANDER, meet menzil gardens @ 4.00 next Saturday.

We might stop in the half moon for a quick pint to quench the thirst, after the first little leg of the wander, and im sure we will have a few more later

Hopefully the sun will be as plentiful as it was a few weeks ago Tell everyone, get your friends and your grannies to come, get them to announce it in the bingo hall

Lets socialize more


1- Menzil gardens, graffiti wall, play area, benches 2- cowley road, diversity “you can walk the whole road and not hear English being spoken” the "welcome wall" c/o the rap yard 3- the peace plain,(roundabout) vigil was held here for peace, during recent war on Iraq, site of old graveyard 4- the half moon, a Clare pub, great ceoil (music) in here 5- the river cherwell, punting on the river, may day stuff, 6- angel meadows, a public park entrances from saint Clements road 7- the private grounds along the river, cant get to where the rivers meet, the public should be able to get here 8- botanic gardens, lovely but an entry fee, heard rumour that oxford residents can get in free? 9- Public walking area of the university, nice spot, so to is university parks, up the cherwell, not everyone knows of the parks 10- River themes, or Isis river as the call it in oxford, why? 11- River walk alongside nice old housing 12- The canal, pleasant public walkway there to be followed 13- public Park @ ice rink 14- Old boat works, canal locks, interesting area 15- Allotments, many people grow their own vegetables in oxford 16- People live on the boats 17- Port meadow, occasional parties happen here, finish up in the old circle

so come along, meet and socialize with some more oxford people, learn things about the place you never knew before, be amazed

is where you can find this is where you can follow the "how SOCIAL is oxford?" discussion

these are examples of playing with real and virtual space together, developing community, this is basically an eco wander, and will lead to a eco/ permaculture/ art party event of sorts

i post here to try to show an example of developing a process, havign a rough program, its open so who knows what will come from it

european students of architecture, your views would be appreciated-

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make trade fair- a call on all EASA community to get involved

people are raelising how and why the world is messed up. and they are doing something about it

please get involved is summary of our invovlement here in oxford

are main sites, global networks think global act local

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a simple vision

a simple vision of urban permaculture

where all gardens are managed for wildlife and foodproduction, where property is seem as gaurdienship and access is related to landuse to optimise the land use of the cities. after all most cities are built upon ecologically unique sites, with waterc courese ect. getting children and teenagers involved with a continuity for all age groups to regreen the cities. It may involve smashing a few things up occasionally, like roads and big walls and structures which are out of scale with the community. open up the water courses, have them exposed to the light, create combustion free zones, electric and cycle acces only, so the air and water quality improves to allow fish back into the smaller water courses. encourage a new peasentry, with people who work the land, working hand in hand, working for food, for nature conservancy, for community. have street fairs and local markets. exchange of seed and advice on vegy growing. just more of the good stuff and less of the bad.

robin hood and dick turpin may need to come back. the foxes should be esteemed as should all wildlife. build habitat into the architecture of tommorow. eat meat, but let it live a life first. legalise all drugs and then educate the youth to reduce consumption. encourage dance that makes you sweat, organise community work days where you get a work out, build local financial trusts, celabrate the seasons, get people singing together, holding hands, sharing problems ans solutions. create safe places to sleep out, give the smoothest roads to the skate boarders, deface colonial memorials, put up police free zone signs and create safe communities with restorative justice systems. deal with madness in a creative and exploratory way, with art and music therapy. shut down the zoos, and hunt down the perpetrators of bush-meat trade and bring them to justice. step up the counciling process for victims of sexual abuse, and look into the causes of this again. invade th countryside with ecofarmers, and restore the peasentry to the land, get ride of broadscale agriculture, get rid of GM, tell the texans to fuck of in no uncertain terms. make friends with europe and north africa, and start rebuilding the international rail system by nationalising it then giving it over to brussles to run. shut down the nuclear power stations, and give all households the means to have local power production {solar, wind, biogas], stop pooing into water, everyone gets compost tiolets and local procees ing of poo. loby the un for the gloabl passport and a travellers dole, where folk can travel on the cheep to where ever they might want to go, or be needed. scrap uni fees, in fact delete all debt personal and national and international. invade norway and japan and destroy all their whaling vessels and deport all the whalers to Milton Keens. Invade switzerland and release all that money held in secret bank accounts to pay for all the outrageous ideas i have listed. apologies as a nation to the aborigionies of the world, do a total geneological analysis of the wealthy to trace any ill gotten gains and redistribute the dosh. organise a mass debate between all religions to be screened every friday night until its sorted out. move the british monachy to New Zealand where they are better loved, so that they can marry into some top Maori tribe and let the U.K disband into 4 countries, then i can get a scottish passport at last, unless i get a U.N one first. map out the laylines and remove energy blocks from them, reenergies the earths energy grid, and have it resonating on the highest of vibrations. Make Jerusalem the capital of Semetia, and engeneer a few significant marriages between Jewish Princesess and Arab princes. Clean up the meditaranean, make the best saling fleet to carry freight and passengers, again outlaw combustion engins, make the oil companies pay for the transition then arrest all the heads of companies and put them on trial for thoughtlessness. reforest the med coastline, built a cycle rout all the way round with a big cycle tournament in Tripoli every janauary. Give everyone a ticket on the transiberian for their birthday and increase capacity. Trick all the generals and compulsive soldiers to enter cyber space and t=have thier battles there, bigger brighter better bullshit!!! Then turn of the machines and carry thier limp bodies out of the life support rooms down the the african plains so they can get eaten by Lions and come back as lions, which would appease theri spirits. make the Whales and Dolphis the recognised authorities in the ocean, and then try to find out what they would like us to do. reintroduce all the medieveal fauna to Britain, so we can hunt boar like Asterix did.

ok ive got an exam tommoro, better go

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EASA- get up off your lazy arses

EASA, why are you being so quite, get up off your lazy arses and start getting involved- you have the power to bring about huge global change

and doing it is FUN

what are you saying to the world?

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FUSPEY film 1

35 seconds, sound and vision is online at

just click on the writing in blue, should download in a minute

35 seconds long, sound and vision

what do you make of it?

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FUSPEY ART @ brookes

FUSPEY ART event will happen in brookes art department on tuesday 3rd of june,

photo studio 1- 1.30 pm

art, network, process, revolution, ecology, communication, world, RTS, architecture, peace, brookes, creativity, film. website,


for more stuff on what is FUSPEY see what are your views?

get involved live love

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World Bank Bonds Boycott

Members of FUSPEY here at Brookes University are working on a motion to put to the Students Union asking them to agree not to buy World Bank bonds. The motion will also ask that the Students Union approach the University with the same request. We want to know if the University already holds bonds in the World Bank and if so would like them to agree to pursue alternative, ethically sound and sustainable investments.

The World Bank is renouned for it's whiter-than-white self image. If you don't know already it says that it is working to alleviate 'Third World' poverty and improve living conditions by encouraging developement. To view this self image visit

Actually 3.2 million people in the developing nations that it claims to be aiding are currently being displaced by World Bank projects. Projects include building of power plants, dams and oil pipelines owned by private corporations and payed for (at least in part) by governments of developing countries. These projects are also seriously damaging to the environment. For detailed info. including case studies on effect World Bank developement projects have on environment/people go to There are many other sites documenting World Bank activities and their often disastrous results.

How can these poor nations afford to pay for such extravagant and harmful 'developement' projects? Well, the World Bank, together with the IMF (International Monetary Fund) lend money to governments in developing nations to pay for these projects- but they get it back with interest, hence the value of investing in the bonds. Many governements that borrow money from the World Bank spend more money repaying debts each year than on healthcare, education and public services combined. And many have repaid their originals debts several times over. In the end it is the people who pay. 7,000,000 people die each year as a direct result of unfair political, social and economic systems. Now I'm not saying that the World Bank and its investors are soley responsible. Of course there are other cotrbutory factors- climatic, corruption within local and national government etc. But... The World Bank does not, as it claims, strive to better these systems. It is a profit making organisation. With the WTO it puts pressure on governments that oxe money to open up their economic markets to 'free trade' and to sell of public services to private, profit making organisations (mostly multinationals).

That's enough of the bad stuff for the moment. It's much more exciting and less defeatist to discuss what WE can do to change this. Without the money that governments, mutinational corporations, banks and other institutions (including universities) invest in bonds the World Bank is powerless to pursue it's questionably motivated interests in exploiting the people of nations in debted to it.

That's is why the World Bank Bonds Boycott is calling on individuals, the institutions of which they are part and governments that represent them to agree not to invest in World Bank bonds, to cancel the debts of 'Third World' nations and make a stand against corporate and government sponsored exploitation of people and the planet we ALL live on.

Many organisations have already passed resolutions against the purchase of WorlBank bonds including University of New Mexico and entire cities (San Francisco)

Please reply to this posting if you have any questions /other input.

You can visit the World Bank Bonds Boycott website at and find out what we at Brookes are doing to gather student support at

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FUSPEY website

new FUSPEY website @

get connected to the most interesting things going on in architecture and the world.

get involved

have fun

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