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Accommodation in Dublin.

Hello all mighty organisers and others, a question about accommodation in Dublin.

Me and the rest of the Norwegian participants / students / crew / bloodthirsty Vikings ready for a long yearned new raid on the Irish islands (it's been quite boring just staying home the last 1000 years..) arrives in Dublin the day before the first day of EASA (i.e. the 8th of August). So now we're looking for a - preferably cheap - place to stay the first night. Something that is close to where we are supposed to stay the nights in Dublin would also be nice.

Any suggestions?

Cheers, Erlend.

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For visa-required nationals comming in EASA

It was a tiring struggle to finish the well-polished visa-application [ Irish VIOSA :-) ] cover letter, where I could explain reasons of the trip, financing details, and undertaking the turning back from Ireland... I virtualy reviewed it with Sean, and we think it fits well. tell me if anyone needs me to share it, so I trim some private content and post it here :-). I would have done it now if I hadnt been spending golden time (for projects) on a sweet birthday-journey...aww

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EASA Ireland 2008 May Newsletter

Circus Masters Hugo & Conor announce this year's sleeping arrangements.

Organisers | Visas | Transport | Events | Lectures
View newsletter as a webpage here >
Notes from the organisers

Seeing footage of the burning TU Delft puts several issues besetting the organizing team into context. It’s difficult to fully comprehend the scale of the loss; think of how frustrating it is to lose a drawing or render that you’ve been working on for a couple of days, then imagine how it is for all the people currently studying who have lost their thesis or final project, people down the years who have lost their entire portfolio and all their models – then think how much work and effort goes in every year, all now lost. An entire library destroyed. Studios gutted. History lost. Our commiserations go out to all those attending or who attended Delft: thankfully, there has been no loss of life or injury, but it is still a disastrous loss


Looking back at the wonderful time we had in Motovun November last, I specifically remember a discussion we had over a cup of coffee at the back of a small smoke-filled dark café built into the ancient walls of this magnificent medieval town. A question was posed, to which everyone had a distinctly unique answer. The question, quite simple really, what is EASA?


I would like to take this opportunity, as EASA Ireland 2008 fast approaches, to ignite interest again into EASA as a functioning active network of architecture students from every corner of Europe and even farther a field. While the collective activities during the assembly are paramount, another vitally important aspect of EASA is the collective ability of the EASA network to improve itself as a network and push the boundaries of what is possible for it to achieve. One of many astounding things about EASA is the ability to congregate such a diverse body of people – this year over 50 nationalities – to work together, share experiences, and in the process making a hugely positive contribution to architectural thinking and also the community EASA finds itself plunged into for the duration of the Assembly.


The importance of EASA’s representation to the outside world is one issue that continues to be an integral thread in keeping the network alive and kicking. That’s why we urge important projects such as the Archive project – now running since 2005 – to complete its duty and do this wonderful community, this compilation of experiences, and this immense history of EASA the respect it deserves. EASA deserves the respect of its rightful representation to the wider public, but most importantly, to the EASA participants; past, present and future, those who make EASA such a unique and magnificent experience each year.

It is this great, unique experience that makes each year’s organisers and participants question themselves on just what exactly is EASA? And it is the interpretation of this question that sustains the very existence of EASA, what makes EASA evolve and constantly adapt to the environments that it finds itself in each year. This is what makes EASA happen year on year, since the whole EASA experience was first created and remembered back in Liverpool in 1981.
Remember, for all your posts, questions, and comments, the easa blog is at
Free Visas announced for all participants of EASA Ireland 2008

The Irish Dept. of Foreign Affairs have agreed to grant free visas to our guests attending easa008!

Not only will this be of financial benefit to our guests but the accompanying support of the Dept. will be very useful should any problems arise. More detailed information is available in the participate section of our website here >
Any questions/queries to sean.feeney (at) easa008 (dot) ie
Return Transport Arrangements from Letterfrack
We will be facilitating return transport out of Letterfrack on Saturday and Sunday 24th & 25th of August but not paying for it so please bear this in mind when budgeting for this year's EASA.

There is currently one private bus that we will arrange to travel all the way to Dublin Airport direct, however a time, day and price for this bus has yet to be decided. This is dependant on participant's travel arrangements and will be arranged at a later date.


Citylink (twice daily on Fri, Sun, & Mon) and Bus Eireann (except Sundays) each have a daily service out of Letterfrack for aroun €10. They also operate a slightly more frequent service from Clifden. Transport from Letterfrack to Clifden can also be facilitated by the EASA Ireland 2008 organisation team.


We also plan on arranging private mini-buses to Galway and we expect the price for these seats to be in the region of €10-€15. In Galway, one can get the train to dublin (€24, no student fares applicable), or several frequent bus services; either the national bus service, Bus Eireann (€12.20 with ISIC student card, €13.10 without), or private bus companies Nestor Link (€15), & Citylink (€19), both of which travel directly from Galway to Dublin Airport for those prices. Citylink also operates a service to Shannon Airport for €16. Bus Eireann also have a service from Galway to Ireland West airport in Knock. Please refer to the websites for the best service that suits your flight times and your pocket and get back to us closer to the event to inform us on how we can facilitate your timely transfer from Letterfrack to Galway.


Please bear in mind, travel time from Dublin's main train and bus stations can take from 30 mins to 1 hour by bus on route 747 & 748. The 746 (all these services are €6 euros one-way) serves O'Connell St. and then there is the 16A which takes longer again, but is cheaper (€2) as it is the local service. The aircoach is a frequent private service that stops at several spots in the city centre (€12 euros return).


We will be supplying transport details for arriving in Dublin in the July newsletter.


As regards Hitchhiking, it is not common practice in Ireland, however one or two people still can expect to get a lift in and around Letterfrack into Galway, just be prepared to wait. I wouldn't be hopeful about getting a lift all the way to Dublin as you are not allowed hitchhike on the Motorway.

Also please note, EASA Ireland accepts no responsibility for people's transport away from Letterfrack, however we will facilitate you as best we can.

National Evening(s)
Looking back through the years, the EASA Ireland 2008 organising team have decided to revive an old National Evening format used in easa003 in Denmark and easa004 in Lille. This format involves having several National Evenings, as opposed to one giant blow-out. This allows nationalities more time to truly represent their traditions and culture. We would encourage National Contacts to start thinking about how best to represent your country, and to communicate with your fellow NC's in your country's region. In the past, National Evenings have included; traditional dress, food, drinks, and also traditional games, dance and music has been showcased. Video presentations and also even presentations on the country's architecture have been given in the past. Please contact team(at)easa008(dot).ie if you have any questions or queries.
Please find below a suggested outline for this year's National Evenings.
  • Saturday 16th – Scandinavia + Central Europe
  • Monday 18th – Ireland + UK (Scotland, Wales, and England if possible) + Balkans
  • Tuesday 19th – Eastern Europe + Caucuses
  • Wednesday 20th – Italian (easa009 presentation) + Mediterranean Night
And finally, good luck to all nations participanting in this years Eurovision in Serbia, hopefully dustin the turkey (IRL) won't win it for us! Sébastian Tellier (FR) is my favourite for the Alustrious Eurovision crown, allez les blues!


JDS architects | Architecture 53seven
Recognised as one of the 40 most important architects under 40, and winner of the 2002 young architect of the year, Danish architects, Julien deSmedt Architects will be presenting recent projects at this year's Assembly. Partner with Julien, and DIT graduate of 2007, Andrew Griffen will give a critique on current Irish architecture and also a presentation on some of the International projects he worked on in JDS, including several projects in Ireland.
Andrew Griffen discussing a project with Mr. Cecil Balmond,deputy chairman of Ove Arup & Partners
Principle Architect, Jason O'Shaughnessy of Portlaoise-based architecture practice Architecture53seven will present recent works that have won the practice critical acclaim both within Ireland and abroad for their daring designs and exceptional use of modern materials. His work challenges the current standing of modern architecture in rural and small town Ireland.

EASA Ireland would like to thank our sponsors and all those helping to realise the EASA008 Summer Assembly;
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008 guest issue.

I have ppl consistently asking me .. as they could not make it into the quota. How will it work this year .. how many, how long, how much .. you know ..

"The organizers should specify a clear guest policy concerning entrance to the assembly and length of stay, depending upon available space and security issues. This guest policy should be released together with applications." [p. 15]

I thank you for all the work you are doing, patiently waiting for this summer to come.. :) sasa.

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April Newsletter


EASA Organisers Francis & Sean at the competition adjudication.


Organisers | Participation | Competition | Events | Workshops
View newsletter as a webpage here >
Notes from the organisers
blank recession.....what a year 2008 has been so far!!!

What a difference a year makes......things have changed hugely in Ireland since summer 2007. The last few months have seen Ireland's much heralded economy dubbed the 'Celtic Tiger' shuddering to an abrupt halt; unemployment in Ireland is now at its highest level in 5 years, economic growth has dropped from 5% in 2007, to a projected 1.1% this year. In the first three months of 2008 the Government recorded a deficit of just over 354m euros. This compares with a surplus of 1.8 billion euros in the first three months of last year.
The cause....a collapse of the Irish housing market. According to the International Monetary Fund, Ireland's housing market is overvalued by 30%. Residential investment accounts for 12 percent of the Irish economy, compared with 5 percent in Britain and 4 percent in the United States. This level of investment has led to the now evident oversupply on the Irish market. The glut of housing has brought new construction to a standstill, driving up unemployment and dimming the prospects for what has been on of Europe’s stellar performers over the last decade. Last month, only 4,050 houses were completed in Ireland, a 43% fall on the same period last year. So all in all, changing times and challenging times ahead for Irish Architecture and never before has the theme of this year's asembly, 'Adaptation' been more relevant.
Marching uphill when the rest of the country seems to be dragging itself downwards with the bad news is hard work, but we have the momentum to attract a couple more positive minded people to join the trek! As Robert Lewis Stevenson said, 'Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant'. Looking forward to seeing you all in Ireland in August!
Remember, for all your posts, questions, and comments, the easa blog is at
Extra Places | Payment Deadline
Thanks to all the hard working NC's nearly every country in the EASA network has managed to fill its quota leaving us in the very difficult position as regards allocation out extra places. We have, out of respect to previous and future EASA organisers reduced the Irish contingent to partially accommodate their requests. If circumstances change for some participants between now and the start of the assembly, rendering them unable to attend the event, we will endeavour to find replacements.

The deadline for payment of participant fees is Friday 2nd May. It is integral to the organisation of EASA Ireland 2008 that all participation fees are received in full and on-time due to bookings that need to be made in the next month. Payments are only accepted from the National Contacts of each country and should be made to the account below.

Your bank will also require our address;

EASA Ireland Ltd.,
2 Terminus Mills,
Clonskeagh Road,
Dublin 6,

Results Announced | Green Room
The Results for the Green Room International Student Competiton have been announced. The EASA Ireland Competition team would like to thank all those who entered. We received over 50 entries, most of which had a very high standard of design, interpretation of the brief and presentation.

Overall Winner

Entrant 0307 - Gustav Backström / Anders Malmberg (SWE) [download]

Most Practical

Entrant 6304 - András Márk Bartha / Bence Komlósi (HU) [download]

Most Innovative

Entrant 8004 - Jennifer Ramirez (USA) [download]


Entrant 6112 - Linus Godet / Nikolaj Friis (CH) [download]
Entrant 6348 - JORGE LDEA (VEN) [download]

EASA Highlights
We would strongly urge everyone to arrive to EASA on Saturday as the planned lecture series, opening cermony, parties and workshop fair are very much an huge part of the Assembly.
Richard Murphy - Richard Murphy Architects
Richard Murphy is an acclaimed Scottish Architect and was involved in the organisation of the very first European Architecture Students Assembly in 1981. Richard has completed many award-winning projects in the West of Ireland. More >
Yvonne Farrell - Grafton Architects


Yvonne Farrell and Shelley McNamara established Grafton Architects in 1977 having graduated from UCD in 1974. They have been studio lecturers at the school of architecture UCD since 1976 and visiting critics to schools of architecture abroad. They are winners of Meno e Piu competition for two schools in Prato Smeraldo in Rome in 2007 and they have exhibited in Ireland and abroad, including an exhibition at the RIAI Exhibition Centre in 1999, the Venice Biennale 2002, the Mies van der Rohe Award Exhibition 2003 and at the Dessa Gallery, Ljubljana 2006. More >



Workshops Announced
We would like to inform all tutors and participants that the EASA Ireland 2008 Workshop Ideas Fair will take place on Monday 11th August between 10:30-12:30 in UCD Astra Hall. Tutors from the 24 workshops selected by EASA Ireland for the assembly in Letterfrack will present their ideas in a trade fair format. Participants are required to sign up to their workshop of preference at this event.
The Green Room will be our headline workshop. It began as an international student competition with more than 60 qualified applications. The winning design by Gustav Backström and Anders Malmberg of Sweden was chosen by an adjudication panel of Xavier Dubuisson, Graham Petrie, Paul Kenny, Michael Haslam and members of EASA Ireland. It will be developed and constructed by a team of students at the assembly.
Flux Culture is another of our marquee workshops. It will be a workshop/thinktank/seminar studying the effects of Migration on our built environment. The students will develop new maps chronicling the movement of people in Europe, examine the contributions of vibrant immigrant communities to our cities and develop new building typologies to serve them.
Lunch Box is our third headline workshop. The students will design and construct an outdoor pavilion for the use of the students of the GMIT campus in Letterfrack, EASA Ireland sees this workshop as a means of repaying the college and local community for all their support. It will be led by the distinguished Irish graduate architects Ronan Costello, Joe Mc Mahon & Dermot Reynolds.
There are 21 other workshops, their genesis lying in ideas submitted to EASA Ireland by potential tutors from all over Europe. In order to finalise our list, EASA Ireland had to narrow more than 50 proposals down to 21. More information on these workshops is available on our website here.
Workshop Compilation Document [download]

EASA Ireland would like to thank our sponsors and all those helping to realise the EASA008 Summer Assembly;
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a short note for the irish organizers

dear organizers,

i was just thinking, perhaps it is convenient to stress the NCs/send out an extra email to all participants that it is probably not unwise to bring a little more clothing to this years easa than last year.

i'm not trying to make fun of the shitty irish climate but i remember switzerland 005 where a lot of people didn't realize that it could get quite cold in the mountains at night, resulting in them only bringing shorts, tshirts and flipflops, this again resulting in a lot of unpleasant moments at those nights ;-)

anyway, i'm packing some extra skinny jeans (yes, finally the climate allows for uncomfortable clothing!), sweaters and of course wellies :-D


full story... to request for an extra place ?

Hey, Due to a mistake, i am facing a difficult (sad) situation. Before, when I had to find members here in ALBANIA, I was told that my presence as a NC didnt count to the national quota, and, thinking that I could pick up to 5 members, I did form a nice group in which, in all these days, every single member has been active in contributing ideas and solutions about fund-raising, booking details, etc. It was only when I sent the filled application forms last night, that I learnt that the NC counts inside the approved quota. I find it difficult and for sure it will have lots of emotive consequences on the chosen person, because everyone of them deserves it and I can find no reason to pick between them. So at this point it would be the most neccessary thing to luckily gain a single extra-place for the "removed one"..I am aware that chances are weak, but I'd do my best not to remove anyone of them, because it's not their mistake...

The main help I'd need, is to know how can I make a formal request if so is needed, and how it is selected which country gains any extra place.

now hoping for a good thing to happen, ...and waiting for any clue.

Thanks, Klejdi Eski ALB NC

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Workshops to be staged at EASA 2008

Adapt-a-bale Dermot Ryan (IRL) Construction and research workshop exploring the use of straw-bale construction techniques. 15 participants

Designing the Inevitable Sasa Grujic (SLO) Jerica Živa Puterle (SLO) Exploration of weaving techiques and craft – a continuation of the Sophia Sturge’s basket-making tradition in Letterfrack. 10 participants

Lightscapes Steffen Impgaard Pedersen (DK) Rune Boserup Jacobsen (DK) An investigation of natural and artificial light through installations in the Connemara landscape. 15 participants

Light & Space Sándor Lilienberg (HU) Dániel Dömölky (HU) András Csiszér (HU) Exploration of light and space, with lectures, model-making, digital modeling and photography exercises. 10 participants

Small Interventions Arvid Wölfel (DE) Design and one-to-one realisation of small but useful interventions that will address the context and benefit the community. 15 participants

Make your adaptor Héloise Cousin (FR) Julie Bart (FR) Adaptors (XS structures) made during the workshop will reveal spatial potential, recreate and regenerate space, instigate events, fill voids, and help the large assembly of students adapt to their context. 15 participants

Nomadic Instamatic Paul Farrell (UK) Georg-Christoph Holz (DE) Exploring the nomad as an architectural methodology, participants will design and build a component system for flexible, interactive, fun and beautiful structures. 10 participants

REPP Jurriën van Duijkeren (NL) Inara Nevskaya (RU) The adaptation of local patterns into contemporary architectural solutions concluding in the construction of a 2.5d installation. 10 participants

Lunch Box Ronan Costello (IRL) Joe Mc Mahon (IRL) Dermot Reynolds (IRL) Design and construction of an outdoor pavilion for the students of Letterfrack Furniture College 20 participants

Green Room Competition Winners EASA Ireland Design and construction of a mobile pavilion to educate the young on matters of sustainable construction and design. 20 participants

Kraftka Gizem Candemir (TR) Christopher Maloney (UK) Dijana Omeragic (MK) Construction of a pavilion inspired by the writings of Franz Kafka. Spatial, acoustic, visual and tactile sensation will disorientate the user. 20 participants

Zauna Alper Derinbogaz (TR) Frederik De Smedt (BEL) Nil Aynali (TR) Design and construction of sauna and plunde pool with integrated environmental technologies. 20 participants

DAB Luka Kukric (BiH) Milan Blagojevic (BiH) Exploration of traditional construction techniques followed by design and construction of a herb-graden and drying hut for the Letterfrack community. 20 participants

Too Cool for Stool Mirjana Uzunovic (SER) Aleksandar Popovic (SER) Investigation of a traditional stool and it’s fabrication followed by design and realisation of a number of furniture pieces. 15 participants

Flux Culture EASA Ireland A seminar/thinktank/workshop addressing the effects of migration on the built environment of Europe. It is intended to develop new maps, uncover new layers of the city and investigate new architectural typologies. 26 participants

Adapt-a-lab Anna Sochocka (PL) Michał Golanski (PL) Justyna Juchimiuk (PL) Research workshop exploring festivals, temporary architecture and the methods by which it can transform a rural context. 10 participants

Adopting Green Iva Marcetic (HRV) Pavle Stramenovic (SER) Ivan Grcic (SER) Research workshop where participants will explore the effects of diverse scales and scenarios on a rural village such as Letterfrack. 10 participants

Architectural Answers to the Digital Revolution Luis Hilti (LI) Research workshop addressing the digitalisation of our world and in particular the architectural profession - exploring both the potential and the pitfalls. 10 participants

HUM:ARC Åshild Aagren (FI) Noora Aaltonen (FI) Inari Virkkala (FI) A workshop that seeks to address humanitarian issues through architecture, producing an exhibition, documentation or any plausible media that will raise awareness of critical issues. 10 participants

Material Adaptable Jouer Filippo Lodi (IT) Kyriakos Chatzyparaskevas (GR) Michele Albanelli (IT) Investigation of materials, geometry and forms through digital and physical experimentation. 6 participants

Exaptation Yelta Köm (TR) Zeynep Hazar Arasan (TR) Doruk Çiftçi (TR) An investigation of exaptation in design. (exaptation: ‘an unlooked for side effect of evolved behaviors.’) 6 participants

Extended me Emilie Bergrem (NO) Tine Bernstorff Aagaard (DK) An exploration the very basic relation between body and space, challenging conventional beliefs of how the surroundings adapt to the body and vice versa. 8 participants

Umbrella (Print/Radio/EASA TV) Kotryna Sokolovaite (LT) Alkistis Thomidou (GR) Marten Dashorst (NL) The publication and recording of the events of the easa assembly through print, video and audio. This year the three media will integrate allowing participants explore the different platforms and opportunities between. 12 participants

Teleology Gary Gallagher (IRL) John Murray (IRL) Workshop exploring digital film-making, including the input of professionals from the digital filmmaking industry. The workshop will produce extensive video documentation of the assembly. 10 participants

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March 2025